YORK SPRINGS, Pa. /New York Netwire/ — A new website, Relation-ships.org, claims to help people to reboot their marriage. It provides useful lessons, tips, advice and most importantly – solutions.

“Marriage takes work and marriage counseling can be costly and not always effective,” says Jim Angell, owner of Relation-ships.org. “This website is designed to help marriages regain that spark and to help couples get acquainted all over again.”

Lessons are designed and written by relationship experts. Some lesson topics address how to make sex drives more compatible; how to improve communication; how to show appreciation; and how to deal with work and money issues.

Couples are also provided with tips on how to reconnect as a couple; how to handle common domestic problems; and how to acknowledge the root of the problem.

The ultimate goal of these relationship lessons is to get people to fall in love all over again. However, these lessons also provide tips to determine if the relationship is worth saving. For example, there are 17 signs that may reveal it’s time to move on.

Users will also discover the top nine relationship-fixing mistakes that are sure to doom any chance of reconnecting with their partner. They’ll learn about 11 toxic behaviors that could be harming the relationship and teach them how to prevent these behaviors dead in their tracks.

The first lesson is $2.95 and if users like it, they do nothing. In two weeks, the second lesson will arrive via e-mail. After that, lessons arrive weekly.

The subscription fee is $19.95 per month – approximately $5 per lesson – and users may cancel at anytime. And, when compared to the hourly cost of a marriage counselor, that’s quite a savings. Plus, no third party is involved. Users are able to work together in the privacy of their homes.

“I know many marriage relationships could greatly benefit from the information provided by this site,” adds Angell. “The lessons certainly helped my marriage.”

For more information, visit: http://www.relation-ships.org/ .

Editor’s Note: As with all online subscription offerings, carefully review, and understand, all fees, your legal rights, and options to cancel/unsubscribe from any such offering. The above mentioned site does not claim to have licensed marriage counselors on staff.

Copyright © 2011 New York Netwire™ and Neotrope®. NewYorkNetwire™ is a news publication of the Neotrope News Network and a trademark of Neotrope – all rights reserved. NEWS SOURCE: Relation-ships.org

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Jan started as an intern with Neotrope® Dec. 2010, became "Content Manager" for New York Netwire, in 2015, and has worked for both the Send2Press® Newswire service, as well as MuseWire.com. She edits daily news stories for the site from state and local NY government and non-profit agencies and is based in “New England,” USA.