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Tag: Valuegraphics

America’s Values: Valuegraphics Survey shows Patriotism is the #1 priority, ahead of Family

VANCOUVER, B.C., July 1, 2020 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Among the 56 core human values that The Valuegraphics Database measures, the average American ranks "Belonging" ahead of "Family" and "Relationships" - a result that reflects the very strong national pride in the U.S.

What your Choice of Quarantini says about You: A Valuegraphics Survey

VANCOUVER, B.C., June 10, 2020 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- During your COVID-19 quarantine, in those Zoom socials, was gin your preferred spirit in your martini shaker? If it was, here's what we know about you and your cohort of gin drinkers, according to The Valuegraphics Database and a new global analysis of what people all over the world care about most - and by extension how they will behave.