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Ryan Lott of Son Lux Unveils His Secrets for Making Evocative Music with Unplaceable Sounds

BROOKLYN, N.Y., June 27, 2022 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Online music school Soundfly has joined forces with Son Lux founder and bandleader, Ryan Lott, to release a new, in-depth course exploring Lott's unique approach to making emotionally compelling music by starting with custom-built digital instruments. "Ryan Lott: Designing Sample-Based Instruments" is available today as part of Soundly's subscription library of creative music courses.

Baby Boomer Singer Songwriter isn’t Searching or Seeking a Grammy or Looking for Fame

PLANT CITY, Fla., Dec. 13, 2016 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Delivering melodies, harmonies and lyrically driven songs, Ed Verner looks to a music passion with honesty, humility and humor. The end result and goal is neither world domination nor awards, but more so, another ear to listen, another person to download and maybe a few dollars on the side.