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Year in Review: International Impact of Scientology-Supported Human Rights Campaign in the Year of the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

LOS ANGELES, Calif., Jan. 3, 2024 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- True to the creed of the Church of Scientology, which begins with the belief "That all men of whatever race, color or creed were created with equal rights," the Church supports the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and sponsors programs to raise awareness of these rights: United for Human Rights and its program for young people Youth for Human Rights. 2023 was the 75th anniversary of the UDHR, and Scientology-sponsored initiatives brought understanding of these rights to "small places, close to home."

When You Race in the Say No to Drugs Holiday Classic, Everyone is the Winner

CLEARWATER, Fla. and LOS ANGELES, Calif., Dec. 30, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- The Say No to Drugs Holiday Classic is a race to save lives. And the message could not be more timely, according to Julieta Santagostino, president of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World Florida, a drug education and prevention initiative supported by the Church of Scientology. "Drugs affect everybody," she says in an episode of Voices for Humanity on the Scientology Network.

The Church of Scientology Kaohsiung Celebrates its 10th Anniversary and an Even Brighter Future for the Church, City and Beyond

KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan and LOS ANGELES, Calif., Dec. 29, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Ten years ago, in December 2013, Scientology ecclesiastical leader Mr. David Miscavige dedicated the Church of Scientology of Kaohsiung. Notwithstanding the joy that accompanies the opening of any new Church of Scientology, this affected not only the people of the city and country, its impact went far beyond.

Church of Scientology Los Angeles Hosts a Traditional Christmas Celebration for the Latin Community

LOS ANGELES, Calif., Dec. 28, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Dozens of members of the East Hollywood Oaxacan community walked down L. Ron Hubbard Way this week, dressed in traditional garb, in the third annual La Posada hosted by the Church of Scientology Los Angeles. La Posada, meaning "The Inn" in Spanish, is a religious tradition dating to the 16th century.

Citizens Commission on Human Rights is More Determined Than Ever to End Coercive Psychiatric Practices

LOS ANGELES, Calif., Dec. 26, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a nonprofit charitable mental health watchdog organization established in 1969 by the Church of Scientology, is determined to see to the immediate and full implementation of the UN and WHO direction to end psychiatric human rights abuse.

Just Like Magic, It’s Snowing in Hollywood at L. Ron Hubbard’s Winter Wonderland

HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Dec. 23, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- It was 70-something degrees and clear skies on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. But there was a layer of real snow on the ground around Santa's cabin at L. Ron Hubbard's Winter Wonderland. This holiday village is a tradition that began in 1983, when author, humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard first provided a 60-foot Christmas tree as a gift to the people of Hollywood.

U.S. Scientology Volunteer Ministers in the Spotlight When a New Documentary Premiered on International Volunteer Day

LOS ANGELES, Calif., Dec. 22, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- The UN's theme for this year's World Volunteer Day was 'the power of collective action.' And nowhere was that message exemplified more than the collective action of Scientology Volunteer Ministers everywhere in their response to the pandemic.

Church of Scientology of Ventura Commemorates the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

LOS ANGELES, Calif., Dec. 21, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- December 10 marked the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the world's premier human rights document. In celebration of this milestone, the Church of Scientology of Ventura held a human rights open house and conference featuring guest speaker Regina Hatcher-Crawford, president of Ventura County NAACP. The theme of the presentation was freedom and equality for all.

Congressional Recognition for the 40th Anniversary of L. Ron Hubbard’s Winter Wonderland: Making the Holidays Special for Hollywood Families

HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Dec. 20, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- On behalf of U.S. Congressman Luis Correa, his community liaison Ms. Gabriella Lemus presented the Church of Scientology with a certificate of special recognition from the United States House of Representatives in honor of the 40th anniversary of L. Ron Hubbard's Winter Wonderland.

Our Help is Yours: Humanitarian Initiatives Supported by the Church of Scientology

LOS ANGELES, Calif., Dec. 19, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Drug abuse and spiking overdose deaths. Failed marriages and broken families. Bullying, corruption and crime. Dead-end careers or jobs that don't pay the bills or dish out a constant diet of stress. Are these and other issues, conditions and problems simply a fact of life? Or is there a way to take action and change them? Voices for Humanity, an award-winning original series on the Scientology Network, documents how diverse individuals are changing conditions like these and making a difference in their own and others' lives.

Church of Scientology of Rome Promotes a Culture of Human Rights for a Better Word

ROME, Italy, Dec. 18, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- The Church of Scientology of Rome, in coordination with the Association of Arts, Culture and Human Rights, organized a celebration and awards ceremony in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

A Wish for a Joyful Holiday Season From the Church of Scientology

LOS ANGELES, Calif., Dec. 16, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- The holidays should be a time of joy. But challenges, problems and disappointments can cast a pall on the season. The Church of Scientology encourages anyone facing issues that threaten their happiness to take heart. Because, no matter the challenges, Something Can Be Done About It.

New Film Shows the Dedication of the Church of Scientology to Help Other Religious Communities Make It Through the Worst of Times

LOS ANGELES, Calif., Dec. 13, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Operation: Do Something About It, the feature-length film that premiered on the Scientology Network this week, documents the work of Scientology Volunteer Ministers across the globe throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. One of their highest priorities was to help congregations of diverse faiths, ordered closed in the early days of the pandemic, reopen safely to serve their congregations.

To Make Hollywood Shine, the Church of Scientology and the Hollywood Village Initiative Went All Out on Their Holiday Cleanup

LOS ANGELES, Calif., Dec. 13, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- The Hollywood Neighborhood Cleanup team, sponsored by the Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre and its Hollywood Village initiative, joined forces with other community organizations and the LAPD. They spread cheer along Hollywood Boulevard as volunteers held their annual cleanup in advance of the Hollywood Christmas Parade, airing Friday, December 15 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on the CW Network.

Publisher of L. Ron Hubbard’s Nonfiction Works and the Mayor of Commerce Ring in the Holiday Season with a Special Dinner for Local Seniors

CITY OF COMMERCE, Calif., Dec. 12, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- For seniors, living alone or far from loved ones, the holidays, once joyful, can be a very lonely time. To remind residents of TELACU Gardens and TELACU Manor Senior Apartments how important they are to the community, Bridge Publications, publisher of the nonfiction works of author and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard, and City of Commerce Mayor Hugo Argumedo held a holiday banquet for the residents.

Meet Scientologist Pam Ryan-Anderson and See How She Continues to Create a Remarkable Christmas for the Clearwater Community

LOS ANGELES, Calif. and CLEARWATER, Fla., Dec. 9, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Winter Wonderland is celebrating 30 years of bringing joy to the children of Clearwater. But how is the grass-covered park in downtown Clearwater transformed into a magical Christmas village? Take a behind-the-scenes tour of the year-round work that results in its magical materialization. Watch Meet a Scientologist: Pam Ryan-Anderson on the Scientology Network.

Documentary on the Church of Scientology Response to the Pandemic Proves No Matter How Grave the Situation, Something Can be Done About It

LOS ANGELES, Calif., Dec. 9, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Scientology Churches across the country invited the community to join them for the premiere of Operation: Something Can Be Done About It. The feature-length documentary produced by Scientology Media Productions aired on International Volunteer Day, December 5. The film documents the response of the Church of Scientology to the Covid pandemic, not only to help parishioners and staff but to reach out indiscriminately on an unparalleled scale across the globe to ensure the safety of every sector of society. A sampling of feedback shows the impact of the film.

L. Ron Hubbard’s Winter Wonderland Celebrates 40 Years of Making Christmas Special for Hollywood Families and Visitors in Town for the Holidays

HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Dec. 7, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Traffic came to a standstill on Hollywood Boulevard Sunday, December 3, as Santa Claus drove up on a red Harley-Davidson Electra Glide to cut the ribbon, opening L. Ron Hubbard's Winter Wonderland adjacent to the Church of Scientology Los Angeles Information Center. He was joined by his elves, Los Angeles Fire Department Deputy Chief Richard Fields, and nationally syndicated radio show host Kerri Kasem to the delight of hundreds of cheering children.

International Human Rights Day Open House to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

FLORENCE, Ky., Dec. 6, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Award-winning human rights and anti-trafficking activist Harold D'Souza, president and cofounder of Eyes Open International, will be guest speaker Sunday, December 10, at an International Human Rights Day celebration at the Church of Scientology of Greater Cincinnati from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at 283 Main St., Florence, Kentucky.

Church of Scientology Pasadena Open House and Interfaith Panel Promotes Respect, Diversity and Religious Freedom for All

PASADENA, Calif., Dec. 4, 2023 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- A religious freedom conference and open house at the Church of Scientology Pasadena brought faith leaders together to promote diversity and respect at a time when rising hate crimes, conflict and war bring the importance of religious freedom and understanding into sharp relief. The Los Angeles County Human Relations Commission reports that hate crimes in Los Angeles County have reached the second highest level in more than 20 years. And the news is filled with religious conflicts that have spiraled into war.