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Tag: Car Seat Cover

Car Seat Cover Becomes Key Part of Continuum of Care

TOWSON, Md., Nov. 23, 2020 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- The inventor of the Ruby Slipper Car Seat Cover, Katherine Miles, explains that this seemingly-simple product-essentially, two pieces of slippery fabric-has proven to be a key part of a continuum of care for seniors with limited mobility and for persons recovering from injury or surgery.

Car Seat Cover Solves Mobility Problem for Physician with Spastic Paraplegia

TOWSON, Md., Aug. 24, 2020 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Malin Dollinger, M.D., an internist and oncologist with hereditary spastic paraplegia, was so pleased with the Ruby Slipper Car Seat Cover that he wrote an unsolicited review and recommendation in the summer 2019 edition of the Spastic Paraplegia Foundation's newsletter.

Car Seat Mobility Device Born of Necessity

TOWSON, Md., May 11, 2020 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Katherine Miles, creator of the Ruby Slipper Car Seat Cover, shares that for this product, which allows persons with limited mobility to enter and exit a car with ease, necessity was truly the mother of invention. Miles was faced with a common dilemma: how to help her aging parent stay active and living a full life.

The Ruby Slipper Car Seat Cover Increases Freedom and Mobility for Many

TOWSON, Md., April 23, 2020 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Ruby Slipper, LLC, announces that the Ruby Slipper Car Seat Cover, a deceptively simple product that grew out of a common frustration, has become a comfortable and affordable solution to a problem faced by many persons with limited mobility: the inability to enter and exit a car. The Ruby Slipper re-opens the door to more freedom and mobility.